
nov:7 2023: here I am the start of my blog it's 1:54 right now I really didn't do anything today I went to bed at 4:40 AM and woke up at 9:00 AM played some games made something to eat had a shower then I did some coding for the website. I need to finish my new single ill update you guys in about a couple of hours.

nov:8 2023: hi guys I forgot about my blog for a sec ;-; anyway here I am it's 8:27 PM I went to bed at 3:30 roughly i woke up at 9:30 before I went to bed last night i toke a shower. today isn't much different i woke up fed my dogs made some food talked to my friends did some coding to fix some bugs in my site with music speaking of music I'm working on my new track the main sample I'm using will be yu yu hakusho romantic theme hope you guys will like it.

nov:9-13 2023: I forgot about you guys it is currently 3:45 I didn't eat anything today I went to bed at 3:30 am I woke up at 12:00 pm I don't know why I'm doing this I kinda just use this as a vent the past 4 days have been bad I figured out that my ex restricted me on all of her social media I can't look back on the messages I'm trying to get a job right now. what do I do now?

nov:14 2023: three words tired nervous broke 11:58 pm.